"I think it's gonna be a long, long time, `till touchdown brings me round again to find, I'm not the man they think I am at home... I'm a rocketman, burning out his fuel out here alone..." Rocketman by Elton John and Bernie Taupin.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

It all started in another dimension...
-- Go, written by Melanie Chisholm and William Orbit

No matter how much you want to stay away from certain things, it always finds you. You can't hide from the things you want the most. Denial has a very strange way of slapping you on the face and reminding you of the things ignored, forgotten or denied. There is no way you can run from the things that you so desperately want.

To a particular somebody: I have yet to know what it is about you that I find fascinating. But for sure, the half of the face that I could see when we talked on the steps was more enchanting than the changing of colours, of the sudden burst of life of the morning. Your profile is more wondrous than the sunrise. And for me, who loves the sunrise and the sunset (my favourite times of the day), that is saying so much. I'm taking this one slow. I hold on to the changes that shift inside me and do this differently. There's just so much to gain and so much to lose. But isn't that how it is supposed to be?

I find it funny that despite all that has happened to me, I still have hope in my heart. And I'm not talking about love. Well, that's part of the equation but I am also talking about still going to VTRs and still doing things like submitting work to contests and stuff. I still plan on joining short film contests and joining script writing contests. It's strange. I thought, by now, I'd be forced to just live my life focusing on the here and now, on the things that are stable and not based on chance or a competition -- like a lottery or a contest.

Human persistence, I guess... The inability to throw in the towel; the desire to never give up. Maybe that's my nature, to continuously throw my body into the fire knowing it will burn thinking that I will be reborn after 3 days. Maybe I believe, deep down inside, that it's a phoenix soul that resides in my heart.

Now isn't that silly?
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