"I think it's gonna be a long, long time, `till touchdown brings me round again to find, I'm not the man they think I am at home... I'm a rocketman, burning out his fuel out here alone..." Rocketman by Elton John and Bernie Taupin.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

So I go and I will not be back here again
I'm gone as the day is fading, on white houses
I lied, wrote my injuries all in the dust
In my heart it's the five of us, in white houses
And you, maybe you'll remember me
What I gave is yours to keep, in white houses

-- White Houses, written by Vanessa Carlton and Stephan Jenkins

Climbed up the 40 foot wall and half-way up, I felt my strength giving way. My fingers couldn't firmly grasp the stones, found myself at a very difficult point in the wall and I could no longer climb up, so I decided, not to waste whatever strength I had left, I tried to climb down. After a few stones, I found my strength fading fast and would be unable to make the full climb down. So I asked my friend, Berna that I'd have to let go; she'd have to belay me downwards.

Berna is used to me climbing down on the practise walls so she's not used to belaying me down. The rope wasn't tight enough and as she said that I could let go and I fell a long way down. I must've fallen about 8 to 10 feet before the rope snapped tight and I was saved from a bad injury. The shock was... well... I don't know. I was laughing, surprised at the situation I've found myself in. Amused I was still alive and scared shitless that I could've died. So Berna began to let me down and she was unaccustommed to the weight and I began to fall again and this time, it wasn't funny. I think I was too close to the ground. She let go of the release in time and then let me down and I landed on my feet. I had to jump up to save myself from falling on my ass and just looked at her in absolute disbelief.

Had I fallen wrong, I might've landed on my head. If not, the worse might've gotten me breaking a leg or something. Everything was so fast. The rush of energy just surged through me and we were laughing ecstatically in disbelief.

I could've been seriously hurt or maybe, I could've died...

And what did I think of? I thought of work.

I thought, "Shit, poor Pabsy will have to take over most of my load until they get a new segment producer. I hope I don't die..."

That was what was on my mind.

I need to go dancing again. I desperately need to go dancing again...
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