"I think it's gonna be a long, long time, `till touchdown brings me round again to find, I'm not the man they think I am at home... I'm a rocketman, burning out his fuel out here alone..." Rocketman by Elton John and Bernie Taupin.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

A sense of humor is a measurement of the extent to which we realize that we are trapped in a world almost totally devoid of reason. Laughter is how we express the anxiety we feel at this knowledge. -- Dave Barry

Woke up and, despite the fact I had work, I decided to be 2 and a half hours late and finished the book The Blue Afternoon. I had been reading it for months already and it usually takes me 2 days to finish a book. Suffice to say, I was rather disappointed in myself.

I was chatting with a friend, Kris, last night and I told him that being busy was a sign that things are working out. A lot of people don't even have jobs, so the mere fact that you are working and you are busy is a good sign. It is a sign that you are surviving. Better busy that doing nothing at all. Just don't forget that you have to enjoy life as well.

He said, "So, I guess that's what summer is for?"

I replied with an emphatic, "Fuck summer! Enjoy your life at least once every two weeks!" There's no point in surviving in this life if the end result is becoming a zombie. Maybe there is some sort of satirical point to Dawn of the Dead?

So, before I become my work (I feel that boundary has been passed, at some point already) I decided to stay and finish the book. I was half-way through already anyway. So in 2 hours I finished the book. I then took my time to do some stretching and then off I went to work.

It was a pretty nice change of pace to go back and finish a book and not be in such a rush to get things done. It was also a breath of fresh air to not have to do so much. I guess we've got our groove going on with the show and we are learning to work faster or whatever. But just as we learn this, we have to change the format, strengthen the show and make it more interesting. So by the end of this week, it's back to working like a dog.

That's what I like about working in GMA 7. They never let us rest on our laurels. It is always about constant improvement. No wonder they're number 1. He He Is that what you call shameless plugging? Loving your own? But it is true. After all, development doesn't just happen. It has to be worked on.

And that's what I love about the atmosphere here. I feel like I can really grow here and they can take of me and really help me become better at that which I want to do; which is to work in the media.

Now if I can only solve the problem of moving out, I'll be fine...
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