"I think it's gonna be a long, long time, `till touchdown brings me round again to find, I'm not the man they think I am at home... I'm a rocketman, burning out his fuel out here alone..." Rocketman by Elton John and Bernie Taupin.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Beauty. No great secret. Not ashamed to say I loved him for his beauty.
As I would again
if he came near. Beauty convinces. You know beauty makes sex possible.
Beauty makes sex sex.
You if anyone grasp this -- hush, let's pass

to natural situations.
-- The Beauty of the Husband, Anne Carson

Ah! Beauty, one of the most powerful things in the world. Physical beauty, that unmarked perfection of face and body, is one of the things that have become the great American (or even Western) standard. Internal beauty is that which is always idealized in fiction - film or literature, even music sometimes. But sometimes, we keep forgetting, that beauty can also be found in other things and not just in people.

Art. The attempt at capturing beauty in a tangible form, be it a photograph, a painting, words or even sound (in the form of music). Art, that which reminds us what it is to be human. That which reminds us what it means to be alive. That is why art is so beautiful. In any one way of looking at it, we are thrown into a frenzy of thought into what it is to be human and alive.

I want it around me always, art. I want to always be in the chase of it, to be able to capture beauty in my hands and work on it and make something out of it. Anything can be beautiful, really. It all depends on how we twist it so it can be seen in the particular way that reminds us what it means to be one of us - the living, the human.

And that is why even sadness can be beautiful. Why movies like Magnolia and The Hours move me so much despite its sadness, it is because it reminded me to enjoy what I have. To look at my life in such a way and just allow myself to fully realise the potentials of my life. That is the true power of art.

This is our lives. To not find beauty in any direction we look, is a sad thing really...

In that respect, someone recently lost her grandmother and I just wanted to say that in all situations, I find myself at my most weakest in times of death. Wakes, funerals, or even just tragic moments in hospitals... I am struck speechless. I have no idea how to carry myself. I have no idea what to say or what to do. I am at a loss.

I'm sorry. That is all that I can do.
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